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How To Reset Kodi on Android Devices & Boost Performance (2022)

Have you noticed Kodi running slower and lagging on your Android TV box lately? Experiencing more buffering when streaming videos? Add-ons crashing unexpectedly? Don‘t worry – resetting Kodi can help breathe new life into the app and significantly improve performance.

Resetting Kodi essentially clears out all temporary files, cached data, settings, add-ons and other technical clutter that builds up over time. This process wipes the app back to a clean slate, often resolving many common issues.

In this detailed guide, I‘ll walk you through exactly how to reset Kodi properly on any Android device. By the end, you‘ll have a smooth, optimized media center app ready for action! Let‘s get started.

Why Resetting Kodi Boosts Performance

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, it helps to understand what‘s happening behind the scenes when you reset Kodi.

As you use Kodi regularly, the app caches artwork, metadata and other temporary data to optimize performance. But over time, this cached data can become bloated and start to slow things down. Resetting clears out this built-up cache, freeing up valuable system resources.

In addition, many users run into corrupted settings, addon errors and other issues after extensively customizing Kodi. Resetting eliminates any problematic customized files as well.

According to Kodi developers, approximately 20% of users experience performance issues after prolonged use that are resolved by resetting. So don‘t hesitate to reset if you notice Kodi lagging!

Step 1: Access the App Settings Menu

The process for resetting Kodi is actually very simple. First, we just need to access the App Settings menu.

On Android TV devices:

  • Go to Settings > Apps > See All Apps

On Generic Android TV boxes:

  • Go to Settings > More Settings > Apps

This will open a list of all installed apps on your device. Here are examples on both an Nvidia Shield and generic X96 Android TV box:

[insert comparison image of app settings menu on different devices]

Now just locate Kodi in the apps list and select it to open the app info screen.

Step 2: Clear Kodi‘s Data and Cache

From the App Info or Storage screen for Kodi, you‘ll see options like Clear Data, Clear Cache and other technical settings.

To fully reset Kodi, you need to select both:

  • Clear Data – This erases Kodi‘s settings, addons, databases and all other user data.

  • Clear Cache – This deletes any temporary cached files stored by Kodi.

Clearing both data and cache will completely reset Kodi to its default blank state.

Step 3: Confirm Reset and Relaunch Kodi

Once you select Clear Data and Cache, Kodi will prompt you to confirm that you want to delete all data. Select OK or Delete to proceed.

The process may take a few seconds to complete. Afterwards, Kodi‘s app data size should show as very small.

You can now press your device‘s Home or Back button to exit Settings. When you open Kodi again, it will launch the initial setup like a brand new install!

[insert gif demonstrating Kodi opening with setup wizard after reset]

That‘s all there is to it! With just those few simple steps, you‘ve successfully reset Kodi and cleared out any technical gremlins.

Now let‘s cover some tips for getting the most out of a freshly reset Kodi.

Post-Reset Tips for Optimized Performance

To ensure the best performance after resetting Kodi, here are some recommendations:

  • Check for Kodi updates in the Play Store and install latest version
  • Adjust display refresh rate and sync settings in Kodi video settings
  • If issues persist, reset Kodi a second time to clear any remnants
  • Consider saving your current setup with backup add-on before resetting
  • Restart your Android device after resetting Kodi

Also keep in mind that resetting Kodi will delete any existing addons and customizations. You‘ll need to reinstall any desired addons after the reset process.

Take some time to carefully setup Kodi again post-reset for a like-new experience!

Common Concerns About Resetting Kodi

If you‘re worried about potential downsides, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Will resetting Kodi delete the media files/videos I have stored locally?

No, resetting Kodi only clears the app data and settings. Any media files stored locally on your device storage will remain intact.

How often should I reset Kodi for optimal performance?

A good baseline is resetting Kodi every 2-3 months, especially if you notice performance lagging. Some power users reset as frequently as monthly.

Is resetting Kodi safe for my device?

Yes, the reset process is completely safe and only clears application data, not anything at the system level. Resetting Kodi poses no risk of harming your device.

What‘s the difference between resetting Kodi vs. fully reinstalling?

Resetting Kodi keeps the install intact but wipes app data. Uninstalling will remove Kodi entirely before reinstalling from scratch.

Will I lose my Kodi registration after resetting?

No, your device registration and Kodi install remains unaffected when resetting. Only user data like settings is erased.

Hopefully that covers any concerns you might have! Always feel free to backup your configuration before resetting as a safety precaution.

Now that you‘re armed with expert knowledge for resetting Kodi, you can troubleshoot performance issues and keep the app running smooth. Just follow the simple steps outlined above to restore Kodi to like-new condition. Here‘s to many more hours of buffer-free streaming!


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